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Join Work for Lodgings

Join us and be part of an active and respected community of like-minded people, sharing work effort and accomodation cross the world.

Become a Host

As a host you have a spare room or similar accomodation to offer, and maybe food. In exchange for your room you want some work done, be that at your home, in your office, on your farm, on your boat, etc. You can welcome a Guest-worker with skills that are suitable to the tasks that you want done. You are preapred to offer a welcoming and friendly environment to your visiting helper.

Become a Guest-worker

As a Guest-worker you will volunteer some hours of work per day or per week, in exchange for accomodation and possibly food in a secure environment. Sign up to be able to contact hosts and to be listed as a Guest-worker so potential hosts can find you.

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